GDPR Compliance

Information that we publish or disclose

Organisation type

Limited Company

Company registration number


Company name

Clover Autos Limited

Organisation Address

206 Turners Hill, Cheshnut, Waltham Cross, EN8 9DE, UNITED KINGDOM

Customer enquiries contact details

Clover Autos Ltd
Choles Industrial Yard (Talbot Roundabout)
284 High Road, North Weald Essex
CM16 6EG
01992 524055
[email protected]


Retail and manufacture

Nature of work

Motor Trader

Are we a public authority?


Is our organisation a charity or have exempt charitable status?


Does our organisation have more than 249 staff?


Details about the information we process

Nature of work – Motor trader/Mechanic

Description of processing

The following is a broad description of the way this organisation/data controller processes personal information. To understand how our own personal information is processed we may need to refer to any personal communications we have received, check any privacy notices the organisation has provided or contact the organisation to ask about our personal circumstances.

Reasons/purposes for processing information

We process personal information to enable us to repair and sell machinery; maintain our accounts and records; advertise our services; provide financial services leads for the consumer and to support and manage our employees. We process personal information using a CCTV system to monitor and collect visual images for the purpose of security and the prevention and detection of crime.

Type/classes of information processed

We process information relevant to the above reasons/purposes. This information may include:

  • personal details
  • financial details
  • employment details
  • goods/services provided
  • visual images and personal appearance and behaviour

We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:

  • physical or mental health details
  • racial or ethnic origin
  • religious or other beliefs
  • lifestyle and social circumstances
  • information about offences/alleged offences

Who the information is processed about

We process personal information about:

  • customers and clients
  • suppliers
  • enquirers
  • employess
  • individuals captured by CCTV images

Who the information may be shared with

We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themself and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organizations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons.

Where necessary or required we share information with:

  • business associates
  • employees
  • current, past and prospective employers
  • goods/services providers
  • financial organisations
  • police forces
  • suppliers and central government

Additional Reasons

Trading and sharing personal information

Personal information is traded and shared as a primary business function. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, employment details, and goods and services. This information may be about customers and clients. The information may be traded or shared with business associates and professional advisers, agents, service providers, customers and clients, and traders in personal data.

Providing financial services and advice

Personal information is also processed in order to provide financial services and advice. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, lifestyle and social circumstances, financial details, goods and services and sensitive classes of information that may include physical or mental health details. This information may be about clients, family and associates of clients, suppliers and enquirers. Where necessary or required this information is shared with the data subjects themselves, professional advisers and consultants, services providers, credit reference agencies.

CCTV for crime prevention

CCTV is used for maintaining the security of property and premises and for preventing and investigating crime, it may also be used to monitor staff when carrying out work duties. For these reasons the information processed may include visual images, personal appearance and behaviours. This information may be about staff, customers and clients, offenders and suspected offenders, members of the public and those inside, entering or in the immediate vicinity of the area under surveillance. Where necessary or required this information is shared with the data subjects themselves, employees and agents, services providers, police forces, security organisations and persons making an enquiry.

Transferring information overseas

Do we transfer data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)? No

Does this cover all our processing of personal information? Yes